The mountains grow on you. Yes, we are in South Dakota. You can just picture the Lakota or the Sioux coming over the top of the mountains on their horses—so beautiful the picture of it in your imagination as you gaze at the mountains. We have had a good time so far, and have become residents of South Dakota. We have visited the town of Deadwood where Wild Bill Hickok was shot and where Calamity Jane settled. They are buried side by side, and we visited their grave. It is said that some people leave bottles of Jack Daniels at their grave sites. Also interesting is there is a Jewish section of the graveyard with a memorial plaque to them as leading and vibrant citizens of Deadwood. There was also a Chinese section. There were only two Chinese buried there now as the remains of the others were removed and sent back to their home towns in China. This was a very interesting tour.
We enjoyed a lunch at a nice restaurant called Bully’s. The food was good and the waitress an inspiration as she had serious heart trouble and such a vibrant spirit and outlook on life. She made my day.
We stopped by the casino and played $5.00 each. I lost my $5.00 and had a $1.00 bill so I decided to play it. I made $2.50 off of that and decided to quit as I was tired of punching the buttons (I could never get addicted to gambling.), and my back had started hurting as I am short and the chairs were too high and I had to sit on the edge of the chair.
It started raining and the streets of Deadwood were clearing out, and we had done what we wanted to do and see so we left. It was a fun trip.
Tomorrow is Sunday, and I don’t know what we are going to do with the day. It seems I have to do laundry every day to keep up with it as the washer/dryer only handles so much.
Ken is wonderful, and seems to be enjoying himself. Together we are getting our blog into shape. I enjoy writing it.
Bella is doing good. She has a sign on our door that we bought in Deadwood that says BEWARE, BOSTON TERRIER ON DUTY AS GUARD DOG. It’s funny. We tell Bella she has had a promotion. We love her. She is a joy to us.
June 27, 2010
It is early morning, 4:00 AM to be exact. I went to bed early, and am now wide awake. I went outside to see the moon. Oh!! How lovely it is illuminating the earth below. I just stood taking in the beauty of it—God’s wonderful creation. Mom would love it. It is mild outside now but I am sure later in the day it will warm up considerably.
I don’t know what we will do later in the day. Just hang out maybe.
It is afternoon, 3:30 PM. We have returned from going to the famous “tourist trap”, The Wall Drug Store. It was an okay experience. They sell few drugstore wares with a lot of tourist wares (LOL!). They did have some nice leather goods, some Pendleton handbags, and Ken found a pair of Merrill sandals that he really liked and bought them. For the most part, though, it was tourist gifts. We then went to the Wounded Knee Museum. I cried all the way through it. I remember as a young girl in high school, I read the book and did a talk on it in speech class I was so moved by it. I suppose it is from my Indian heritage on both sides of my family, and just the plain horrendous horror of how those lovely people were slaughtered. They meant no harm to anyone. I could go on but won’t. It was well worth going to and being very informative at that.
We have returned home (our RV), and soon I will be making dinner. We have really enjoyed our day!
June 28, 2010
Today Ken and I stayed around home (RV). We told a neighbor that we would watch their dog while his wife was having back surgery. I hope she is okay through all of it, and that the results will be a good outcome. I have had back surgery, and it was a success in helping my problem. People that don't experience back pain don't realize the intensity of it.
I did laundry, having folded the last of it a while ago. Thank goodness! The only time we went out was to get a prescription. Ken went to Lowe's. I stayed home. I have felt really tired today. I have read today, and Ken when home has been working on the computer. Tomorrow, I think we're going to go to Crazy Horse with the laser show.
Boring day for most I suppose, but we have a beautiful view of the mountains, and appreciate and marvel at God's creation. We are looking into Christian RV groups that do work for the Lord, as we have an interest in participating in one of them. Everyone, pray for our country; the freedoms that we have and take for granted; and for the remedy of the oil problem our fellow citizens are fighting, (business owners, beach-front residents and those with houses for sale, fishermen. It just trickles down to impact many people). God be with them, and bless them all.
June 29, 2010
Mount Rushmore is as breathtaking and majestic as we thought it would be. It is so unreal to fathom a person, Borglum, designing a huge sculpture, and then gathering a team of people to carry out the blasting of stone and chiseling of design to create such a wonderful tribute to our former presidents; Washington, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson! The plans for the sculpture were so well designed that it was finished by others even after his death. We toured the artist's studio, and took a trail getting a closer look at the sculpture---Wow! We left very proud of our country and what it stands for, and for four of those who spent their lives to govern with the honor and dignity to maintain our constitutional freedoms that we enjoy now. God bless America!!
June 30, 2010
Today we visited the Native American mountain sculpture, Crazy Horse. It, when finished, will be larger than Mount Rushmore! It was very impressive with Crazy Horse's face being held high and you could feel the pride and dignity which were his. We went in the evening to see the laser show against the sculpture. It was good, but was something children would enjoy more than we did. We stayed through some of it and then left. We did, while there, see a pow wow. We even participated in it, which was great fun!