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Thursday, September 2, 2010

So That Was The UP!! What A Ride!!!

Ken and I have finally experienced the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  We had dreamed of seeing it for some time, and wow did we have a great time!  Not only did we experience wonderful countryside, nice people, and fabulous times--all making lifelong memories but we look ahead to another adventure--our first RV Rally.

Leaving the UP, we crossed the Mackinac Bridge, which we had hoped to walk had we stayed until Labor Day.   I made several pictures, albeit maybe not the best as Ken was driving and going across a bridge which provided quite a bit of vibration. At any rate, the pictures turned out better than I anticipated.  We are in Harrison, MI, and no longer Yuppers!!  Following are the pictures of the infamous Mackinac Bridge with Lake Huron on the left as we crossed going south, and Lake Michigan on the right.  It's a beautiful bridge.  I am told it is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world, being approximately 5 miles, and spans the straits running between Lake Michigan to Lake Huron!!!
Lake Michigan as we arrive at Mackinac Bridge
View of Support Structure of Bridge.
Another view of one of Support Structures of Bridge.  Majestic and Beautiful!!
Bad photo of Tall Ship!!
View of Support Cables & Structure with Lake Huron on Left & Lake Michigan on Right.
Lake Huron on Left.
Well!  We're no longer Yuppers!  We're at the end of the Bridge arriving on the  South Side at Mackinaw City.  Farewell!

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